Le Calette Hotel has been awarded the European Community Ecolabel since 2009. License: IT/051/031.

At Le Calette we spotlight the respect of the environmental legislation in force staying within the minimum requirement for the management of all the environmental aspects. Always attentive to customer needs and respect for the environment, we are developing a careful policy of environmental sustainability to offer a low environmental impact in its structure. The Hotel undertakes daily behaviours and actions aimed at reducing the environmental impacts of its activity:

1. Energy and water resource management:

  • The purchased electricity comes entirely from renewable sources and it is certified
  • Home automation allows lights and air conditioning to be switched off when nobody is in the room
  • Energy-saving light bulbs, timers and twilight switches cover the entire setting
  • Hot water is mostly obtained from the sun through solar panels made up of vacuum tubes that make the most solar energy reducing waste
  • Water resource is limited thanks to the flow reduction devices
  • Buildings and window frame are insulated with top class materials

2. Waste management:

  • Waste is treated with appropriate operating procedures of differentiation, transport and disposal
  • To reduce waste production, customers are offered water in returnable glass bottles
  • We reduced the use of single-dose packs – providing our guests with only one welcome kit

3. Use of chemicals:

  • The use of chemical products is limited and the quantities are reduced to the minimum to ensure compliance with the regulations

4. Environmental communication to guests:

Thanks to a few gestures and little effort, the guests’ contribution to the environment will give great results for a more sustainable life. Here are some important indications:

  • The electronic system for opening and closing the rooms requires that the lights go out automatically when guests leave the room and the conditioning or heating is so optimized. Even during the stay in the room, guests are advised to turn off the lights when they are not necessary: it will be a little attention towards the respect of the environment
  • Water is a precious commodity and should not be wasted leaving the taps open unnecessarily. Furthermore, if anomalies or losses are noticed, the customer is invited to promptly communicate it to the reception
  • Special waste such as medicines and batteries can be delivered to the reception
  • According to the Italian anti-smoking law, it is not possible to smoke in the internal common areas. A no smoking rule concerns all hotel rooms
  • While maintaining the standards quality of a 5-star hotel, bed linen and towels will be changed in the spirit of environmental policy
  • Use of dispensers for soaps, shampoos and / or other products for body hygiene with multipurpose rechargeable systems
  • To reduce the use of motor vehicles, the necessary information for the use of local public transport can be found at the reception desk
  • At the Reception you can receive information about the use of electric bicycles

The Hotel intends to monitor and encourage these behaviours and activities through the following actions:

  1. Implement and maintain an effective Environmental Management System according to the requirements of the ECOLABEL EU environmental quality mark specific for tourist services.
  2. Employee training to make the most of each person’s skills in order to achieve and constantly improve the objectives set, and creating a constant added value over time in the activity of the organization itself.
  3. Constant monitoring of the energy consumption of the entire structure, with the commitment to keep environmental impact under control and reduce the activities that generate pollution of the environment, also through our own database useful for evaluating the progress made and identifying possible margins for improvement.
  4. The suppliers of ECOLABEL EU branded products or with environmental management system certification or suppliers of typical local products will be privileged.

The Hotel periodically checks the environmental programme and the results obtained in order to further improve the measures to protect nature and the environment; this in order to ensure that the environmental policy set out here and the according management system are understood, implemented and maintained at all organizational levels and that the system is supported by periodical and systematic training and education activities.